It's snowing. Again. Big Fat Flakes are floating down. *sigh* I DO love snow, don't get me wrong. But I am ready to be out in the garden, digging in the dirt and watching things grow. I want to watch chicks play in the grass for the first time! I want to finish my goat pasture fencing! ug!
I just ordered new raspberry and strawberry plants last night. I hope I will be able to get them in the ground when they get here! The berries I bought are Tulameen Raspberries and Shuksan Strawberries. Both kinds are supposed to do well in the PNW, and especially in my yard of poor drainage. AND they are not patented or trademarked or whatever. :-/ As tempting as the new Puget Summer strawberries were to us, they are patented. And literally this means you can't grow your own plants from the runners, you can't share your extra plants with other gardeners and on and on and on. How ridiculous is that?? Not only is it ridiculous, it's scary. And that is a whole OTHER conversation.
So for now.. I will just keep dreaming of Spring, leafing through the seed catalog and sketching and re-sketching the goat 'barn', and watch those fat flakes fall to the ground. :)