Thursday, October 20, 2011

It was a Good Weekend

Getting ready to leave for The Show...
lol~ Don't think we could fit much more in the back of Joe! But we DID fit 15 ducks, 6 chickens and all the survival gear a teen needs for a weekend..... including~~a guitar. ;)

We drove in on Old Highway 30(Oregon side) for a bit. It's SO pretty. We didn't stop though. The ducks were rather displeased with their seating arrangement and pretty much quacked non-stop. We needed to get them into their coops. For our sanity.

Enjoying the view..

Visiting our poultry friends :)

This is the guy you wanna talk to about Iron Work. Very cool stuff. Farm signs anyone?

We heart Daffy!

Egg judging. We last minute decided to enter eggs. Our Aracauna, Susan, lays very consistent beautiful blue eggs. We placed third, one egg was just slightly bigger. It was fun, and will do it again.

Sally, placing Best Variety. The judge had written 'Very Nice' on her coop card. I talked to him later, after judging and he told me that if Sally were just a bit smaller, he felt she was a very good duck. I was super pleased to hear we are on the right track with our calls :) It's always fun to talk to the judges when they are done, I learn so much from them.

Diane, placing Reserve Variety. She is the Grand Dame of Bearfoot Hollow.

(photo courtesy of Bob Anderson PNPA) Mr. Mongold judging Table Top at the Serama Show. He is judging Romeo.

He did well! Champion of Show (Youth) and Champion Cock (Youth). Pixie also did good, taking Champion Hen (Youth).

Cochins held their own. Aria and Izzie taking BB/RB and BV/RV each.

Then we headed home along the very curvy Highway 14 (WA side). Just as beautiful as Highway 30.
Here we are stopped at Cape Horn.

And then home. Nobody captures the joy of Home like a Duck! ;)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Headed to Stevenson

Looking forward to seeing all my chicken friends this weekend! :)

Held at the very very beautiful Skamania County Fairgrounds. If you haven't been, it is well worth the drive. There's LOTS to do, aside from looking at all those gorgeous chickens and catching up with friends. Check out Multnomah Falls... or the Oneonta Tunnel.. actually, the Tunnel is only part of this stunning stop. There are no other signs for seeing the gorge that you will find if you hike a little and follow the Oneonta creek... *warning.. wet and slippery, but OH SO WORTH IT! :)

Oneonta Creek

Brave the log jam, and continue up into the gorge.. I didn't have time, and I had a car full of chickens, so this is as far as the boys and I made it.

Or .. explore any one of the other amazing views.. This area is also the remains of one of my favorite geological events to study.. the Great Lake Missoula Floods that formed the Scablands and Coulee's of Eastern Washington. Did you know that Portland was flooded by the water and the Willamette Valley was also formed by the huge repeated flooding? Pretty awesome stuff. You can just google 'Missoula Floods' and you will find loads of information.

Anyway~Hope to see you at The Show!