And not a bit delightful....
The rains and the cold have kept my outside seeds from sprouting.
So, this last weekend~Saturday~ the one bright and beautiful SUNNY day we have had in .. gosh, I swear it's been weeks.. I replanted the spinach, lettuces, carrots, and moved the baby kales back in place because the chickens can't stand to leave fresh dirt alone. Yes, the garden is fenced in, but there are a couple of persistent hens in the flock that refuse to be fenced in or out. The Araucana girls are fabulous foragers!
I think the chick tractor also will work as a baby kale tractor....
I need to invest in some of those cute little row hoops.. but since I have a redneck style all my own.. I just used some wood stakes to hold the plastic up and fabric stakes to hold it down temporarily.
I know the inevitable rain will squash it pretty quickly.. in fact, that is happening as I type. So, for long term protection especially after the baby plants have begun to sprout, that plastic will need to be off them. I just want some warmed up soil ~~durn it!
**edited to add: this is actually still holding up pretty well, it hasn't fallen down at all! The other two like this, that don't have a stake in the middle have squashed however..but this one continues to stand against the torrential downpour we have had! :)**
We PNW gardeners have to be creative... ;)
...and stay hopeful that Spring WILL get here EVENTUALLY!
at least if the flowers have a say about it anyway....