The house is sure smelling very Christmasy right now!
Cameron and I made Cinnamon Bears last night-- these are fast and easy, make great gifts and smell fantastic!
***1 cup cinnamon plus one cup water--mix well, roll out and cut with desired shapes. If dough is too wet, add more cinnamon, if too dry, add more water. I also dust the area with a little more cinnamon to help keep the dough from sticking to counter. using a toothpick, poke a hole in each shape to allow for hanging the ornament***
In the oven I have drying apple and orange slices.. the apples are spiced with cinnamon, cloves and allspice-- YUM. and with the oranges adding a nice citrus-ey tang to the air. I hope to make little garlands with these....
***Slice apples, toss in lemon juice, pat dry. In a ziplock (I used a gallon size) toss in 6 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoons cloves, 1 teaspoon allspice, 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon arrowroot. Coat apple slices with mixture, dry in a low oven (150-200) for 6 hours. Remove from oven and allow to dry. For the oranges, slice in about 1/4" rings..they need to dry in the oven for 3-4 hours. I also used a straw to poke a hole in each ring for hanging later.***
We also made these ornaments.. We haven't perfected them at all yet, but it was still fun!